Monday, 25 August 2008

Luke Mitchell attacked

It came as something of a surprise to me to learn on Saturday from "The Sun" newspaper that Luke Mitchell had been subjected to an attack in Polmont YOI which had brought him within "inches" of death.
Why so surprised?
Because it never happened!!!!
I've spoken to several people over Sunday and today (Monday), opening the conversation with "Did you hear about the attack on Luke Mitchell," and invariably, the response has been "Well, that's what happens in these places" ... not once did anyone, even those who believe Luke to be innocent, say "Is it true?"
This rubbish is printed and perpetuated by profiteering companies who don't give a damn about the consequences of their actions.
So, for the record, Luke Mitchell was not attacked in any way, shape or form in Polmont YOI - the staff of Polmont are ever vigilant towards all of the people for whom they are responsible -and a very good job they do if it for all concerned.
As for Annabelle Skeggles and Kenny McAlpine, who ran this article in "The Sun," your report card should read "could do better."

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Thursday, 21 August 2008


Hi, and welcome to my Miscarriages of Justice Blog.
Just last week, I received details of an innocent man who has been imprisoned for two years without a visitor, who has not breathed fresh air, been outside or had any exercise for 8 months, whose cell is lighted from the outside (so he has no control over when lights are on or off), and who has no access to even a single electrical socket in his cell. Imagine being locked up, 24 hours a day, with absolutely nothing to take your interest or provide any distraction whatsoever. We're always condemning other countries' records on abuses like this, especially of the innocent. It may, therefore, come as something of a surprise when I tell you that the case referred to here is right here in mainland Britain, in a "modern" prison, today, August 2008. This man is no danger to himself or others, and has been convicted of a crime which, aside from having no evidence against him, may not even have happened at all. If and when I get permission, I will post full details of this case. I'm happy to discuss any thoughts and opinions regarding wrongful convictions, false allegations, alleged miscarriages of justice, and invite anyone who wants to debate these issues to join these discussions.

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